Eye Care Technology

In the past we had to try our best to explain what was happening. Now we can show you.

At In2Eyes we have invested in the most advanced technology available for the care of your eyes and vision. The use of scanning technology alongside traditional eye care methods means that our optometrists have the best tools available to help spot eye health issues. Early detection of retinal change gives you the best outcome and choice of treatment options. This technology can also reveal general health issues (related to changes in the retina) which are normally undetectable during a standard eye test.

Our Technology

Optomap® ultra-wide digital retinal imaging system

Optos 200DX

The optomap® ultra-wide digital retinal imaging system captures more than 80% of your retina in one image. Traditional methods typically reveal only 10-45% of your retina at one time.

The unique optomap® ultra-widefield view enhances our ability to detect even the earliest sign of disease that appears on your retina. Seeing most of the retina at once allows your eye doctor more time to review your images and educate you about your eye health. Numerous clinical studies have demonstrated the power of optomap as a diagnostic tool.

For more on the optomap® and the benefits of wide-field retinal imaging, click here.


Nidek Advance OCT

Nidek Advance OCT

Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is cutting-edge technology which gives us a whole new world of diagnostic possibilities. The OCT is a device which uses light to scan the structures of the eye. It is completely non-invasive, but is able to give images that appear like CT Scans, enabling us to see the retina, optic nerve, cornea in the highest detail. Our Nidek Advance OCT is one of the top of the range OCTs available.

OCT images can be used for both earlier detection and better management of glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, keratoconus, and other eye diseases. This is the same high-resolution scanning technology used by retina and glaucoma specialists.

For more on Optical coherence tomography, click here.


Kowa Digital Fundus Camera

Kowa Digital Fundus Camera

A fundus, or retinal camera, is a specialised microscope with an attached camera designed to photograph the central retina, optic disc and macula.

The resulting photograph is a high resolution magnified image which can help to assess for eye conditions including glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, optic nerve disease, and many others. This picture also gives us a baseline to compare the state of your eye health in the future.


Medmont E300 Corneal Topgrapher

Medmont E300 Corneal Topgrapher

The Medmont corneal topographer is a non-invasive instrument which can quickly and accurately map the front surface of the eye. Using 32 rings with 9,600 measurement points and 102,000 analysis points, this instrument can give very detailed information over a wide area of the cornea.

The Medmont corneal topograher can help to assess the cornea and the tear film, as well as being a useful tool for fitting specialty contact lenses including Ortho-Keratology and Scleral lenses.


Anterior Segment Photography

Anterior Segment Photography

By use of a digital camera mounted on a slit lamp biomicroscope, we able to capture images of the face, eyelids, conjunctiva, cornea, iris, and crystalline lens. This is important for documenting and following the progression of such things as corneal ulcers, large abrasions, healing after removal of corneal foreign bodies, cataracts and more.

Anterior segment photography offers us a valuable way to educate patients about their condition and to encourage compliance to contact lens wear and care recommendations.


Occulus Keratograph For Dry Eye Assessment

Occulus Keratograph

Occulus Keratograph

The Oculus Keratograph is a revolution in dry eye technology. With the K5, we can assess and record the extent of your dry eyes including Meibography, Tear Film quantification & qualification, Lipid Layer assessment and Red Eye assessment.

The new Keratograph high-definition colour camera makes finest structures visible. NIKBUT (non-invasive Keratograph break-up time), tear meniscus height, lipid layer and tear film particles movement are examined carefully and documented for comparison with post-treatment images. The exams are noninvasive, user-friendly and reproducible.

For more information on Dry Eye Syndrome, click here.


Visual Field Analyzer

Visual Field Analyzer

Many of the tests in the consulting room examine the central vision of the eye. However, peripheral vision or side vision is much more difficult to analyse. Diseases such as glaucoma can affect the peripheral vision of the eye, and can lead to irreversible visual loss before the patent may be aware. Visual field testing is essential for both early detection and long-term management of glaucoma.

Visual field testing is also important in detecting optic nerve disease as well as strokes or tumors along the visual pathway of the brain.


I-Care Tonometer

I-Care Tonometer

Did you hate the “eye puff test” at their last eye doctor’s office? We’re pleased to announce that we have acquired the I-Care Tonometer. It is a wonderful device that accurately measures intraocular eye pressure without the need for eye puffs or numbing drops. It’s quick and easy, even for little children. It’s so quick that the only sensation patients have is a slight tickle, if anything.

We are really excited for all the ways technology is improving the care we provide at In2Eyes Optometry.

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511 Whitehorse Rd,
Surrey Hills, VIC, Australia

Monday - Friday

9am - 5:30pm


9am - 5pm

